8th Graders and Up
Confirmation at Zion Lutheran exists to build connections between God’s Word, His promises and what it means for our daily lives, while at the same time learning about what a relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ, truly looks like. Confirmation is not necessary for salvation; it is not a Christian stamp on life’s to-do list that we all need to get. Instead, it is an expression of our Christian walk— a desire to grow and learn and become a part of something bigger than ourselves; a promise to continue receiving and living in God’s promises for the rest of our lives.
For our students, this means that we will equip them to live a Christ-centered life in whatever role/profession God has blessed them to live. We desire for our youth to feel as a part of the mission of Zion right now; they have a purpose in the Body of Christ and God has equipped them to partner with Him in building the Kingdom.
For our parents, we will do our best to equip you as ambassadors for Christ in your families. God has placed you in your child’s life to bring them to know and trust Jesus. That is your number one role and purpose. Our desire is to walk along side of you, give you tools, and support you in this calling as parent/guardians.
All nine units will be offered twice throughout the year at various times and days to allow confirmands to advance at their own pace and build around their schedule. A master calendar of when units are offered is provided so that families may plan which courses need to be taken throughout the year. Confirmands must register in advance for the units they wish to take but space will be limited to no more than 10 confirmands at a time. We will also have a minimum of 2 students registered for any course. All nine units must be completed to participate in the Rite of Confirmation (Confirmation Sunday).
Registration for classes is done by submitting the registration sheet to the Director of Youth, Jacob. This can be done by putting it in the Confirmation mailbox in the office wing or by mailing it to the church office.
After completing all the requirements of confirmation and with the recommendation of the Ministry Team, confirmands will be invited to participate in the Rite of Confirmation on Confirmation Sunday. The Rite of Confirmation involves a confirmand’s public profession of their faith and desire to promise to continue receiving God’s gifts. The Rite of Confirmation will take place in May, with a second date in January in coming years. Prior to the Rite, students will complete their final Confirmation Project, write a faith statement, and select their Confirmation verse. To celebrate this with your family, the church offers a Confirmation Dinner for our confirmands and families the night before Confirmation Sunday.
If you have any questions about our Confirmation ministry or how to enroll your child in a course, please contact our Director of Youth, Jacob Shoup at